If you ever encounter a problem with your website and are incapable of tackling it yourself, ask the respective hosting provider’s client service team to assist you to get the website back online. A swift resolution would be best, but many hosting companies answer within 24 hours or even more, all the more so if you’re working with a hosting reseller. Even if the problem can be swiftly fixed, your site may not work properly or it may not be reachable whatsoever for a long interval, so you may lose prospective clients as it is rather unlikely that anybody will be dying to come back to a website that is faulty. Hence, you have to make sure not only that you can get in touch with your hosting provider, but also that they can reply and assist you in a timely fashion. If a software application update doesn’t proceed smoothly or if you delete something unintendedly, for instance, the site should be fixed quickly so as to avoid elongated inaccessibility.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Web Hosting

Our web hosting include a 1-hour response guarantee, which implies that no matter what query or predicament you may have, we will always be there to help you. As a matter of fact, it seldom takes more than half an hour to get an issue sorted out or an inquiry answered, and this is valid for both technical and sales matters. Our customer care team members are available 24x7, even on weekends and holidays, which suggests that you will obtain prompt support at any time. We are aware of exactly how expensive time can be, so by the time we answer your email or ticket, we will have looked into the issue and, if we haven’t solved it, we’ll give you more info about what you have to do on your end – if the case requires it. With our support service, you can rest assured that there will be somebody to help you instantly, regardless of what time of day or night it is.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

With a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you can take advantage of our stunningly fast support service. You will receive a response to any trouble ticket submitted through the hosting Control Panel or e-mail sent to our client and technical support staff in no more than one hour. The response time is guaranteed and it’s valid regardless of the matter – billing or technical. Often, it takes considerably less time to examine and sort out a problem. We will provide you with more info if the solution involves something that should be done on your end. In case you touch base with us during public holidays or weekends, the response time will be the same and because of the fact that our support staff is on duty night and day, you will receive quick help for practically any general, technical or billing issue regardless of the hour.