Genuine Cloud Architecture in Web Hosting
We have employed a genuine cloud hosting platform, so in case you acquire a shared web hosting account from us, you'll be able to use all advantages that this kind of a platform provides. Entire clusters of servers will handle your files, email messages, visitor statistics, databases, and so on, so if you host your sites on our end, you practically won’t see any downtime at any moment. The platform will guarantee fast and stable performance of your Internet sites and the system resources for them will be infinite since if needed, we can attach more hard drives for additional hard disk space or entire servers for additional computing power to each of the clusters at any moment. The Hepsia Control Panel, that is supplied with each and every account, was developed in-house with the concept to work on a real cloud platform and to use its full potential.
Genuine Cloud Architecture in Semi-dedicated Servers
We don't make any compromises with the services that we provide, so when we claim that we use a genuine cloud web hosting platform, we actually mean it. The semi-dedicated server solutions which you'll be able to acquire from our company are created on powerful clusters of servers, so your files, databases and e-mails will be kept on individual clusters, and even services like visitor stats, logs and the Control Panel will be maintained by their own machines. The hardware configuration is redundant, so you will never experience any downtime and you will enjoy a quick and secure service at all times. The Hepsia Control Panel, which is provided with all semi-dedicated accounts, was intended to work on our cloud platform, so that you'll be able to take full advantage of the hardware. Whenever we need more computing power or there's a trouble with a machine, we can attach additional servers to any of the clusters without affecting the proper functioning of your Internet sites.