When any content is uploaded to a web hosting account or downloaded from it, some website traffic is produced and that is an aspect that each and every hosting plan includes. It's furthermore among the features you need to take a look at, since how much website traffic allowance you'll need is dependent upon what exactly you need the account for. The web site traffic is mostly produced by downloads which includes web site visits. In simple terms, every time someone opens your web site, the webpages are downloaded from the server on their computer and they are subsequently displayed by their web browser. It is also important to know that uploads matter too, which means that whenever you back up large files from your laptop or computer to the server, some website traffic will be generated too. Different suppliers sometimes have different names for this particular feature, for instance traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, but all of them apply to the same thing - the amount of incoming and outgoing info produced for a particular period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Web Hosting

We've selected all of the features of our web hosting packagesin a way, to help the success of any type of site hosted on our advanced cloud system. The website traffic that your account can produce is not an exception, so with a hosting package from us, you won't have to worry about the volume of content being transferred to and from your account at any time. You'll be able to host multiple small-scale and medium-sized web sites and ensure that your monthly traffic allowance will not be a problem for their development. Furthermore, we provide elaborate hourly, daily and monthly stats which will give you additional information about the website traffic that a particular web site produces or what type of page/file is being downloaded the most and produces the most traffic. Such data will help you arrange the supervision of your web sites and your marketing strategies more effectively.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers

Since our semi-dedicated servers are quite powerful, we've decided not to set any type of restriction for the monthly web site traffic that a given account can produce. We consider that if you need a hosting plan that includes a lot of processing power, your websites will presumptively have plenty of visitors and since every visitor makes a part of the traffic, one can end up having unavailable sites if there is any restriction for this feature. With truly unrestricted website traffic, you can be sure this won't happen. To save you time, you'll be able to monitor the information being downloaded and the traffic that is generated for every single domain with hourly, daily and monthly statistics that will give you an idea how popular your sites are. You will be able to even view the pages and files which have generated most of the site traffic in your semi-dedicated account.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers

All the VPS servers that we offer feature a monthly traffic quota proportionate to the resources they come with. The more disk storage space and computing power a server offers, the more probable it is you'll host more sites on it, for that reason the traffic you're able to use will increase with each plan. In case you need additional traffic at some point, you can enhance the plan via your billing Control Panel with just a few mouse-clicks and the additional resources, along with the higher traffic quota, will be added to your existing account. You'll also be able to view how much data has been transferred to and from your virtual server at any moment. For your benefit, we will update you whenever you reach 90% of the quota so as to give you the required time to take action and lower your website traffic or update the plan if necessary. Via your control panel, you will be able to see the traffic stats for each individual domain or subdomain in your VPS account.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

The dedicated servers that we provide come with great website traffic allowances that are sufficient for almost any web site, even a video streaming portal or a preferred online community. Terabytes of site traffic will be available to you every month and the control panel that comes with each and every dedicated server will give you info what amount of data has been transferred already and what amount is left for the present month. To avoid service disruptions, we will notify you if you reach 90% of the allowance and you can either reduce the site traffic made by your sites by optimizing their data, or you'll be able to increase the quota for your account. It is very unlikely that you will ever need such an improvement, however we decided to leave this alternative open. The statistics in that panel feature the total website traffic, in contrast to the statistics inside your hosting Control Panel where you will find just the traffic from sites, but not from server-side software downloads and / or updates.